• May 16, 2011 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm UTC-07
  • Location: Goddess Temple of Ashland
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

On Monday, May 16, at 7:00 p.m. Susan Amari Gold will be facilitating a special Full Moon Women’s Water Ceremony.  The ceremony is open to any woman who has begun or ended her menses, and is part of a beautiful lineage with an amazing history.  In order to provide a focused container for this work, and in keeping with the tradition it comes from, the doors will close at 7:00, so please arrive a little early. 

Susan Amariella Gold is a facilitator of subtle energy balancing and founder of Two Moons Tea Company, a vital herbal health resource. She is a devoted student of natural healing arts and earth medicine, a Usui Reiki Master, an Ordained Minister with Shieloh Foundation, and a Oneness Blessing Initiate.  She is a Keeper of the Women’s Healing Water Ceremony via New Dream Foundation, board member with Holistic Resources Foundation, and contributing member of The Sisterhood of Planetary Water Rites.  Her current passions involve Wisdom Circles where we gather as one heart, share wisdom and laughter, and support the higher truths of life. You can learn more about Susan and her work at essential-wisdom.com

This special event is being offered on a requested donation basis to support Susan and the continuation of her work, with a tithe of any love offerings received supporting the temple; no one will be turned away.

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