May 13-15, 2011
Mount Shasta
ARC members - tickets are $200 with this link
Experience the most powerful full moon of the year with like minded souls.
Dr. Meg Blacburn Losey
James Gilliland
Jude Unegbu
Paula Muran
Erik Berglund
and others
Wesak is the celebration of the May or Buddha Full Moon. Our festival in Mt. Shasta features well-known speakers.
Join Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, James Gilliland, Jude Unegbu, Amorah Quan Yin, Susan Isabelle, Joanna Cherry, Ana Holub, Dr. Steve Adler, Allison Chester Lambert, Paula Muran, Erik Berglund, and musical guests JAYLA.
These guess will present info on 2012, UFOs, Crystal Skulls, Energy Healing, African Shamanic Healing, energetic balancing, forgiveness, ascension, new astrology, sacred chocolate and lots more.
Limited vending space is available - call Barry at 530-918-9555 THERE IS NO CHARGE TO COME SHOP AT THE FAIR.
Purchase tickets with this link for $200 and save $100 -
Check the web page for more information.