• Jul 5, 2011 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
  • Location: RSVP for directions
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022
Participants will feel empowered to consciously create specific desired outcomes through a variety of testimonial stories of applied consciousness technologies.  We will engage in several activities to apply all of the necessary elements of reliable conscious creation.

We can turn challenges into opportunities through purposeful intention setting and group consciousness visioning with gratitude. Gather with us and gain support for any aspect of life. 

Michelle has created a group visioning process (and using it in groups for over 10 years) that has been proven to create reliable results. 

There are group dynamic factors involved: one's ability to concentrate, one's ability to perceive, one's ability to create imagery, and understanding and faith in the principles of physics.  All of these factors will be enhanced with regular participation in an ongoing abundance consciousness support group that we will co-create.

There will be another group that includes the DreamWriting process on 7/11 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Donations in the range of $5 - $10 will be appreciated.
Participation is limited to 10.

To participate, RSVP to michelle@visionarysolutions.org
Send name, cell phone, & email
For more information, contact Michelle at 541-973-7702
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