"Getting into the Gap"
with Norma Nakai Burton M.Div.
The GAP is an exquisite place! It’s a place where miracles occur. It’s the place just on the other side of your ordinary thinking mind. It’s a place of inner silence. And it’s a place where Spirit can contact us.
Everyone on this planet can have access to it. The doorway is always unlocked. It’s ours to enter at will. Yet, at this time of year the veils are particularly thin.
What awaits you there is the experience of activating your higher human dimensions of insight, intuition, creativity, and peak performance. There is a GAP (a field?) out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, will you meet me there? We have a lot to do together – so let’s slow down and spend some time every day in the GAP.
Heather Hutton and Richard Williams- musicians