"I Let My Big Bright Brilliant Beam Of Radiant Light Shine!"
In my song “Let It Shine” I wrote these words:
“For too many years I hid my light,
thinking I was too much and who I was just wasn’t right.
Then I heard this voice from within and up above
saying “You’re here to be a shining light and give and receive love.”
How many of us were taught as children to be seen and not heard, or when expressing ourselves in some way got the message we were “ too much”?
And yet we are all divine unique lights here on this earth to shine our lights and be all of who we are.
In our time together we will look at:
* How much we are shining our lights and the ways we diminish our lights.
* What lights us up or what burns out our bulbs.
* Ways to amp up our wattage.
Through songs, stories, exercises and humor, we will stop hiding our lights and like the lyric of my song says” We’ll let our our big bright brilliant beams of radiant light shine!”