• May 24, 2011 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Location: The Havurah
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

This week at Unity in Ashland Norma Nakai Burton, M.Div., our Minister will be presenting a Ritual and Inspirational Message that you will not want to miss.

The Solar Fire is that power which moves the universe, the power that is realized by creation and sustains it. Awakening this fire within us releases the creative power that we all share.   Egyptian Mysteries say this power of the Solar Fire is personified by the Goddess Sekhmet.

This power must reawaken in us now if we are to evolve a co-creative vision that sustains and nourishes not only ourselves but all of humanity. Ancient Egypt was a land that held the view of heaven on earth. This view also took into consideration the delicate balance between life and death. The great mother earth who gives life can also destroy life, and this movement, this force which catalyzed the sacred movements, the Egyptians called Sekhmet. Come and experience the ancient teachings on the Goddess Sekhmet to renew your inner light. The time is now and we are the ones we have been waiting for!
We will be welcoming back the Ritual Priestess Anya Kumara who has just returned to Unity from her travels to the sacred sites of Egypt.
Music with Heather Hutton and Richard Williams.

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