• Jun 8, 2012 from 7:30pm to 10:00pm
  • Location: Havurah
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

Tito La Rosa, Shamanic Sound Healer & Musician

Canto Shamanico Concierto
Sound Healing Concert
Friday, June 8th 7:30pm
Havurah, 185 N. Mountain Avenue, Ashland, Oregon
Advanced Tickets Available at SoundPeace $18
Tickets Available at the Door $22

The Sound Healing Concert is a wonderful introduction to Tito and his shamanic sound healing work. Tito plays many of his ancient Peruvian / Incan instruments, often moving through the audience for an intimate sound healing experience.

This tour supports the work of Ayni Projects (www.AyniProjects.com), a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization that funds projects aimed at aiding indigenous communities who have developed their own systems for addressing their needs in the Andes of Peru.

Ancient Andean wisdom teaches us that the earth was made while the creator sang, thus all beings are made of sound, rhythm and harmony. Andean musician, composer, recording artist and sound healer Tito La Rosa returns to the Bay area and Ashland. Through his concerts, flower ceremonies and music classes La Rosa helps reawaken our memories - weaving sounds into frequencies that open the heart and encourage the spirit to soar. La Rosa, a descendent of Quechua Indians of the Peruvian Andes, has spent more than a decade recovering and preserving, studying, and intuiting the ancestral music of Peru. Tito is a Curandero de Sonido – sound healer. When performing ritual and ceremony for healing, he enters into parallel worlds to bring forth sound that elevates the vibration of an individual and allows for healing and balance to occur.

Tito La Rosa is returning to Ashland, OR, June 5th-10th. He will be offering a Sound Healing Concert (June 8th), 3 Flower Ceremonies (June 6, 7, & 9th) and an Andean Sound Healing Class (June 10th). Please spread the word!

Flower Ceremonies in Ashland
June 6th, 7th, & June 9th at 5pm
Space is limited
Sliding Scale $110-130

About Flower Ceremonies

Handed lovingly down from the Q’ero Nation of Peru, Tito La Rosa gives to us the legacy of the flower ceremony. Steeped in the tradition of Munay (to be in the service of unconditional love) and invoking the Pachamama (Mother Earth), he transforms the music from his ancient instruments into a healing medium.

This healing ceremony can last between 4-5 hours . Tito enters into the plane of no time, where the power of love and healing also know no limits. If you have something to let go of, something to mend, a prayer to send out, or something to celebrate, this is a time to seed your own healing and transformation. The ceremony is unlike anything you have ever experienced. (Limited to 14 people)

Andean Sound Healing Class in Ashland
El Poder Curativa de los instrumentos Ancestrales de Antigua Peru (The Healing Power of the Ancestral Instruments of Ancient Peru)
Sunday June 10th at 1pm
Space is limited
Sliding Scale $120-140

To reserve your space in a Flower Ceremony or the Andean Sound Healing Class, please contact Silvia Kohen via phone at (541) 292-0886 or email Kohensil@gmail.com. Please preregister by May 18th as space is limited.

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