The Vibrant Life System™ is a direct, step-by-step process designed to revitalize your life-force so that you can bring the fullness of You to everything you do. If you frequently feel overwhelmed, and that everything you do is tiring and more effortful than it should be, this class is for you.
Through the applied studies of consciousness, energy medicine and nutrition, the Vibrant Life System™ uses 7 steps to address 3 components of Being, unifying the mental, emotional and physical bodies into one resonant network. The Vibrant Life System™ clears and organizes your core functions, resulting in more clarity, more joy and more vitality.
This class is created and taught by Janie Chandler with help from her colleague Debra Burchard. They are both Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners, and senior faculty members of Donna Eden's certification program.
Please contact Janie to register and for more information: 541-482-0413