• Apr 16, 2011 from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: Jackson WellSprings Community Room/Dojo
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

The Song of The Healing Crystal Bowls


As I begin this performance/healing session most of my audience is comfortably laying on the floor in  circle around me( I call this the Living Mandala), while others choose to sit in chairs. Initially the sounds and vibrations flow into the body, relaxing the muscles, similar to a massage, quieting the distractions and noises that we carry in our conscious and sub-conscious mind. This leads to a meditative state. This takes about 5 minutes to achieve.

From this point I begin opening each chakra, incorporating breathing and color imagery. Each chakra has a color that resonates at the same vibrational frequency as the crystal bowl that I play. Intermittently my audience experiences sound-infused aromatherapy mists that soothe the auric field and brings a smile to everybody’s face. I also walk through my audience and place a Tibetan Bowl on their body. This is always very well received.

I call forth the spirit of the dolphin whose voice lives within one of my Tibetan bowls. The sound and the effect is so profound that it makes people laugh and cry.

I close each performance with the Song of The Angels. First I teach each participant how to sing their most sacred song, which is used to call forth their Angel and Spirit guides. This invites a choir of Angels to sing with us and gives us each an opportunity to sing with the angels, but also an opportunity for all to connect with the ever-present spirit. It is always a beautiful experience to sing with angels and my audiences.

Within each crystal bowl I have morphing lights placed there to create a beautiful visual experience. At the end of this performance I pass out these soft and friendly lights and allow my audience to experience color therapy. As I play my closing song my audiences place the lights on the body parts that they desire to receive additional healing.

'In summation, my presentation is a sensory experience where I awaken and activate all the senses with my sounds, aromatherapy scents, vibrational sounds and frequencies and the visual experience of color healing.'

1-928-241-0311, cell phone

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