The Evolutionary Intention of Planetary Retrogrades
Kristin Fontana
Monday, Apr. 16th 2012 7 – 9 PM
location: the Headwaters building, 84 4th St. (4th & C) in Ashland
$6 General, $5 Seniors 62+, $4 NCGR Members
Considering all Souls choose the precise timing of their birth entrance, the chart will therefore reflect the Soul’s evolutionary past, present and intended future. In chart interpretations, it is essential to understand the evolutionary meaning of specific planetary retrogrades. So the question becomes why any Soul chooses to be born having retrograde planets and what the meaning is behind this symbol. This lecture will cover the significance of each planet when found retrograde in a natal birth chart and the reason any Soul came into this life with this specific signature. Retrograde planets through transit will also be discussed, including the current Mars retrograde transit and the coming Venus retrograde transit mid May as we are all personally and collectively influenced by this retrograde motion regardless of whether or not we have any natal planetary retrograde signatures. Even if it ‘appears’ we are moving backward, the intention is to ultimately move us all forward. The retrograde motion ‘quickens’ the evolutionary process via progressive individuation of the retrograde planet, thereby removing layers of conditioning so the Soul can liberate from the past and evolve forward while at the same time energetically influencing others in the process.
Kristin Fontana graduated from UCLA with a degree in Kinesiology. She studied with world-renowned astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green and is a certified graduate of the School of Evolutionary Astrology. Kristin is a contributor to a new book on Evolutionary Astrology called Insights into Evolutionary Astrology and she provides a weekly Astrological Forecast column for the Beach Reporter in Southern California, which is also posted on her web site She has presented regularly at the Jeffrey Wolf Green Evolutionary Astrological Conference as well as NORWAC. Fontana is listened to worldwide on her weekly internet radio show Guiding Stars on the website
SONCGR is a community of people who share an interest in Astrology.
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