• Jul 6, 2011 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: The Goddess Temple of Ashland
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

Every Wedensday from 7-9 we hold a free (by donation) sound healing circle in the temple. This week, July 6 we will have John Hill.

 Shamanic Harmonic Sound Transformations is about using sound created through spiritually connected, empowered, aligned intentions to activate energy blocks in the body.  Once these blocks are activated, they can be cleared through an inner guidance practice (latihan) using breath, sound and movement.  As the blocks are cleared using these tools, you become more and more empowered in manifesting your intentions, including discovering your authentic Self and your special gifts.

Introducing the first in a series of sound transformation tools:  "Opening to Receive: Empowering the Root Chakra" - a CD which activates any energy that blocks you from receiving more love, joy and abundance from life on the physical plane.  This is a brief description of what we'll be doing:

  • Introduction - Share the purpose of the gathering, what to expect, and some background about sound empowerment and this transformational CD.
  • Preparation -  Explain how to use the energy of the CD in the most powerful way for your own transformation - embodied presence, breath, sound and movement.
  • Invocation:  Call in whatever energies that will support and facilitate the empowerment of each individual present, participants set an intention for themselves.
  • Activation, transformation, empowerment - Play tracks from the CD, and receive guidance, sound and energy from the facilitator to support the transformation process.
  • Group sharing - this is an opportunity for participants to share and integrate what they received in the sound transformation.
There is more information about the CD at the following link:  http://www.authenticsharing.com/sound-transformations/release-of-the-first-cd-opening-to-receive.html

Please feel free to invite anyone who may wish to experience this sound transformation tool.

With love and appreciation for this community...John
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