There will be two opportunities for you to come out to Oasis and learn more about this upcoming series.
This Sat. from 12:30-1:30 and next Tuesday from 7:30-8:30
Intro Talk is Free
Tools for Balancing and Managing your Energy
You are the Key to unlocking the door to all you are here to be and offer. Learn how to balance your chakras, subtle bodies and more in order to access your inner guidance system more efficiently. This class is designed to offer a wide variety of tools for you to be empowered in your own healing process.
Do you feel compromised by negative thinking, fears, doubts, and are you easily influenced when others are emotionally suffering or stuck? This class offers tools to assist you in working with energies that can compromise our lives, often sabotaging our relationships, our successes and our happiness.
This class focuses on embodiment as well, since being in our bodies is crucial as we delve deeper into the spiritual realm within ourselves. Our bodies are our vehicles, and we will learn ways we can be gentler and in tune with our bodies’ sensations, fine-tuning our listening skills to hear the beautiful wisdom we are receiving from it.
In addition to learning and honing in on these tools, you will be offered an opportunity to spend time with the true essence of who you are, your Divine Self, in your heart center and in your body. And then bring that out in a safe small group setting. You will be given opportunities to work with these tools each week, building on them and deepening over the 6-week series. By the time the class is finished, you will be well on your way to understanding yourself more clearly and truthfully, and creating more meaning and lightness in all your relations.
I’m excited to share these tools with you, and hope that you will come check out the introduction class. It is an interactive, experiential snapshot of this 6-week series. Included in the series will be a SoulPrint TM reading, much like a fingerprint, only the holographic image that is uniquely yours.
This series will take place Tuesdays from 4-6. The class is limited to 6 participants.
Terri McDonald is a Craniosacral Therapist and Soulistic Coach
- Jan 12, 2013 from 12:30pm to 7:00pm UTC-08
- Location: Oasis~A Healing Arts Sanctuary and Community Gathering Place
- Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022