Snatam’s legacy as a singer, and recording artist are the fruit of a 9-year voyage of performances attended by thousands of fans. She recently graced the pages of Oprah’s “O” magazine and performed for her birthday in Maui. Like countless others, Oprah plays her music everday before meditation.
For Tickets go to: (debit or credit) or local (cash) tickets at Spirit of Shakti, 471 A St in Ashland.
Spirit of Shakti, 471 A St in Ashland has tickets (cash) starting today. Hope to see you at the concert. Blessings....
Just wanted to let everyone know that Larry Morningstar (541-535-3140) has tickets and also Rasa Yoga Center in Ashland (217 4th St-Ashland, You can buy tickets cash but need to come 1/2 hour before class.