• Nov 11, 2012 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
  • Location: Oasis~Healing Arts Sanctuary and Community Gathering Place
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

Snakes have been feared by many for thousands of years due to false beliefs and patriarchal conditioning, and simultaneously revered. It is the entwined serpents that are the symbol of healing in the world of medicine. It is the rising serpent that represents the rising kundalini and rising consciousness. And it is the serpent that is depicted over and over again accompanying various forms of the Goddess in nearly every tradition. Let us rise as empowered young women and claim our Serpent Power!

On Sunda

y afternoon, Nov. 11th, 1:00-4:00pm we are offering a workshop for girls between the ages of 9 and 17 yrs of age (and their snakes if she has one!). We will come together to share and discuss our feelings about snakes. We will also deepen our connection to serpent power through movement, meditation, and dance as well as, receive direct transmissions with live temple serpents.
This workshop is sure to be a fun time for all.

Receive serpent wisdom through
Guided meditation & Dance transmissions
Dance and play with temple serpents

Nov. 11th, 2012
$45 preregistered by Nov 1st ($55 thereafter)
Bring your snake and receive a $10 discount
Bring your mom at half price!
Location: The Oasis in Ashland, Or.
Space is limited so register early! 

To register or for more information, please call Loraia Ward at 541-779-3137
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