• Jan 4, 2013 from 10:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: Social Hall
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

A Course In Miracles

The Friday study group meets every Friday morning from 10 am to noon.  In January we will start at the beginning of the book and will complete the text during this year long study program.  Everyone is welcome regardless of their familiarity with the Course. 

The Course is a metaphysicfal, spiritual, psychological non-dual self study program that was born out of a commitment between two people (Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford) to find a better way to live in this world. 

The purpose of a study group is to join with others in the shared purpose of learning, studying and living the Course.  

A study group offers a safe confidential place where we can share our growth and challenges in an environment of unconditional, non-judgmental acceptance and learn to forgive.  By hearing the guidance from within, we are led to the goal of the Course: inner peace.


A study group offers a place:

To enhance learning and study of A Course In Miracles

To provide a safe place to share feelings

To serve as a contact point for people of common interest

To enjoy the Course and remember to laugh!

To be both student and teacher

To find a better way to live in the world

To learn to be non-judgmental and exclude no one of your love


What is a Miracle: the change of mind that shifts our perception from the ego’s world of guilt and fear, to the Holy Spirit’s world of forgiveness; reverses projection by restoring to the mind its causative function, allowing us to choose again; transcends the laws of this world to reflect the laws of God; accomplished by our joining with the Holy Spirit or Jesus, being the means of healing our own and other’s minds.  (From the Ken Wapnick Glossary-Index.)


You could say “A Study Group helps with” then read the definition of Miracle above.  Free - love offerings accepted.

Blessings and Happy New Year!

Sally McKirgan



For more Course information visit:


www.facim.org or www.acim.org


P.S. If Friday morning doesn’t work for you, join the Monday evening group at Heartsong Nutrition, 1461 Siskiyou Blvd., 6 to 8 pm, facilitated by Marcia Pinneau  mpinneau@yahoo.com  and Brad Whitmore – e-mail:  whitmoremail@gmail.com


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