• Oct 11, 2011 from 11:00am to 1:00pm
  • Location: The Dance Space
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

Greetings Beautiful Women of this Sacred Land-

You are invited to bring your precious human divine self to this offering birthing out of our collective wisdom on the sacred movement community path. If you are ready to commit to share and be your Wise Women self we would so love to have you join us.

Love and Blessings!
Gwendolyn and Carola

Sacred Bones

Excavate and Express our Feminine Wisdom

With Carola Marashi M.A. and Gwendolyn Terra

Tuesday Mornings from 11 AM - 1 PM
Ashland Dance Space
August 16 to Sept 20
$150 for 6 week class
Move into our Well of Wisdom.

Deep-In our Roots Touch the Stars.

Explore His-Story, UnRavel Her-Story, and UnVeil My-Story.

The Story of the Wild Goddess BAUBO informs and inspires our journey. Using guided movement, heart listening to our 'bones' and sacred witness we birth forth, voice and share our collective Wisdom as Women.

Are you ready to dig deeper into that Inner wisdom that sources in the depth of your movement?
Are you ready to bring forth and speak the full wild wisdom that resonates through your being?
Are you ready to gather in a powerful circle of women and let the potent and primal field we generate charge and nourish you and all of your relations?

We are!

Limited to 12 Wise Women Participants for Intimacy and Depth.
Please call Carola 512-925-0625 or Gwendolyn at 541-864-9296 to hold your space in the Circle.

Gwendolyn Terra
Mystic Muse and Shamanic Dance Priestess
INbodies and INfuses all of the gifts she has received from all of her amazing guides of Sacred Movement, Divination, Energy Medicine and Group Field Work. She has been guiding Sacred Movement Voyages and Activations across the U.S. for 16 years. Her passion is to activate the Sacred Heart Light Essence of each being she connects with and to support the Evolution of Love on this Precious Planet in Group Fields.

Carola Marashi M.A.
Author, Intuitive Counselor, and Co-Founder/Facilitator Trainer for Ecstatic Dance since 1994 inspires authenticity and self-compassion.
With nearly 30 years' Professional experience in group therapy, expressive arts, and community development she teaches how to listen, discern, and respond to intuition. She nolds a Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology. Author of two Books: Sensual Eating and Sacred Dance Tarot. Her greatest gifts are sharp intuition and compassionate wisdom.

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