Four part TEEN workshop for deeper development of teens ages 15 to 17. Uniquely developed for sensitive and caring youth. Two afternoons during spring break. Monday March 21 and Tuesday March 22 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Workshop comprised of open heart communication, specific communication truth skills, reading and management of energy, and character development. Leadership skills involve facilitating, presenting, and modeling these abilities to others.
Provides space for creating friendships and deepening relationships. Acquire lifelong skills for relationship building based on honest sharing of truth.
Cost for both days: $40 total
This is a great way for teens to discover their natural abilities and talents and to create a foundation in which to navigate life. Deeply valuable.
For questions or registration, email
or call 541-973-7702
Date change: MON & TUES from 1:00 pm to 5:00 p.m.
Cost is negotiable...nobody turned away. FREE if need be.