RIVERS OF JOY: FREEDOM from Closed Hearts - Your own and others'
Skills for Expressing your Kindheartedness
"There is a kindness that dwells deep down in things; it presides everywhere, often in the places we least expect. The world can be harsh and negative, but if we remain generous and patient, kindness inevitably reveals itself. Something deep in the human soul seems to depend on the presence of kindness; something instinctive in us expects it, and once we sense it we are able to trust and open ourselves….” ~ John O'Donohue
Kindness may be the single most important expression we can undertake in furthering the creative expression of our individual promises.
This workshop contains vitally important material for anyone wanting to improve their relationships with themselves, and others. For anyone wanting to live genuinely. For anyone wanting to interact in ways that bring people closer. We will look at skills of
Human Decency
Join us March 30-31st as we explore this staggeringly important issue and gather thinking and skill sets for relating in kindness with yourself and others. I promise you a boon in your life as consequence to learning and using these skill sets! Want more? Come round on Easter Weekend and revel in tools of kindness.
“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
― Dalai Lama XIV
Where: Old Siskiyou Barn
When: March 30-31st
Cost: $295
(541) 482-1974