Radiant Heart Temple offerings ~love embodied~ In this circle of friends
I see beyond our minds piercing through our own prison walls into the hearts of longing for the one to be held, seen ,freed recognizing once again its true beauty the eternal source present in all giving raw vulnerable places breathing room love and permission to be exposed and dissolved so that a greater love may arise within and I may truly see myself once again through the eyes of all Offering 8 week heart opening self transforming circles for 2 hours a week. $ 200 per person. Payment options available. *Mon. Feb. 14th- April. 4th 9:30-11:30am I am my greatest love( finding the one you've been looking for) exercises to deepening your own self love *Tues. Feb 15th- April 5th 9:30-11:30 am Woman's vision dream circle
*Tues. Feb 15th-April 5th 7-9pm Beloved circle Tools and techniques for deepening our relationships
*Wed. Feb 16th-April 6th 9:30-11:30 Chakra activation clearing circle
*Thurs. Feb17-April 7th 9:30-11:30 Abundance circle Uncovering and unlocking your true abundance
Prema Birthing Class and certification Sat. Feb 19th 9-5 *On going heart circle facilitating. Create your own group |