Thursday, February 13, 2014 7 - 9pm PST • 5pm Hawaii • 9pm CST • 10pm EST • 11pm AST Virgin Islands Call-in details to be provided after registration Click Here to Register
The combination of Sound Encodement and Crystalline Clearing delivers packets of information to our conscious and unconscious minds bringing conflicting belief structures into harmonization while helping to transmute and transcend non-supportive environmental and cultural conditioning. 'Pulling the Plug on Unworthiness' aims to dissolve the underpinnings of some of the most pervasive and deeply embedded illusions assigned to our self worth. Guilt, blame, shame, fear, stupidity, carelessness, lack of sophistication, anger, hatred, ugliness, unloving or unlovable, jealousy, lack of education or loss of status, hurtfulness, greed, selfishness, stinginess, lack of remorse or forgiveness, bad hair day ... we can judge ourselves for anything and everything given the right set of circumstances. Peering into this caldron of worthlessness requires eloquence in expression and understanding in order to recognize the delicate symbiotic relationship between our shadow (meaning "unseen untruths") and our path to transcendence. When we gather as a group we have the opportunity to see the variations within each of us that reveal our likeness in this self inflicted river of obscenities. We therefor invite you to 'Come One, Come All' as we dare to open the drainpipe and let the sourness of misguided self reflection flow to the wayside ... for the light of self-love awaits! Tele-Codement: Thursday, February 13, 2014, 7 - 9pm PST Phone-in details to be provided after registration
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