• Sep 24, 2011 from 10:00am to 5:00pm UTC-07
  • Location: The Gallery in Mt. Shasta
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022



The London based author of the newly released, autobiographically inspired novel "Pilgrimage of Love," Anaiya Aon Prakasha, will be teaching a workshop here in Ashland.


This once in a lifetime experience will employ tantra, dance, and shamanic journeying to answer fundamental, life-changing questions about the nature of love, to heal wounds left by hurtful past relationships, and to bring participants down the path towards their Beloved.



The burning question in every woman and man’s heart is how do we find The One? By drawing from the depths of her direct experience Anaiya will share with you that only by ‘becoming the One’, will you attract the ‘other’ into your life.  There will be Soul Mates along the way, but if its the Twin Flame you yearn for, then Anaiya has some ‘work’ you may be interested in!


This no-holds-barred workshop will answer these questions and provide tools and insightful practise’s to further enhance your journey on the path to love. Using the model of “Five Realities” (physicality, sexuality, emotionality, mentality and spirituality) will very quickly reveal where the resistance is holding you back. Anaiya is the author of Pilgrimage of Love, a story based on her own experiences walking the Path of the Beloved. She will share what she has directly experienced so you too can become whole within your sexuality, healing the wounds of love that have trespassed against your heart, releasing the strategies from being hurt as you connect with the ocean of love within your soul, that reveals that it is possible to simply love without fear.


Join this practical workshop based on body movement, dance, tantra, and shamanic journeying to embody “The One” within you. By authentically merging first on the inside, will you begin to embody the attracting qualities of your soul on the outside. During this super nova of an experience you’ll learn:

  • What actually is “The One?” What does this mean, and do we all have one?
  • Why are there “Gender Wars,” and how do they still affect us today?
  • Why is there the popular belief that meeting your Soul Mates means working on unresolved wounds?
  • What is the difference between Soul Mates and Twin Flames?
  • What is the connection with the womb in these sacred relationships?
  • How can a couple truly meet in real trust and intimacy? Is it possible to grow deeper in love every day?


When you have finished this workshop…. then you will begin to “live” it!  Please come prepared to work on every level, knowing that the day will be full of tears and laughter and everything in between. EveryOne is welcome, all levels, all ages, all genders and all sexual preferences.

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