Description: Held on a working permaculture farm, the Southern Oregon Permaculture Institute PDC gives you unique hands-on experience. Restoration Farm surrounds you with inspiring permaculture design examples from the backyard to the farm-scale. You will learn many types of design including urban, homestead and farming. Participants gain real-world design and presentation experience with their group design project and from being on a working farm. All of which blend together to give you a complete holistic view of how to do it yourself and how to make a more sustainable livelihood from the land and your community. A typical day is about half classroom and half outdoors doing activities. Bring your kids with you to take the Farm to Kids summer camp while you take your PDC.
Instructors: Chuck Burr and Larry Korn
Cost: $ 1,300, after May 24, $1,500. Kids Camp $600. discount for couples