• Aug 19, 2011 at 7:00pm to Aug 20, 2011 at 6:00pm UTC-07
  • Location: Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

Wednesday- August 17 - 7-9 PM

Divine Alchemy is a uniquely transformative program offered by husband and wife team, Panache and Jan Desai. They energetically bring you into harmony with both masculine and feminine aspects of your being so that you can begin living an authentic life, fully-balanced and wholly-aligned with Source.

So many are challenged as they rely more heavily on either masculine or feminine characteristics to meet life. Have you fallen into a trap of reacting from the same space, over and over again? When the pendulum swings too far on either side, you rob yourself of the beauty and richness of the full human experience, disconnected from your true, authentic expression. Divine Alchemy energetically brings you into balance. You reconnect and are integrated within your own being so that when situations require your unique voice to be heard, you can stand centered in your truth. And when life asks you to be open and receptive, you are able to flow with all that is unfolding. You meet every moment with balanced grace and harmony. LIfe becomes a true journey as an authentic, complete and whole Divine being.

Event Fee: $33 Pre-registration / $44 AtTthe Door

To register for this program,Click Here


Friday, August 19 - 7-9 PM
Saturday, August 20 - 10 AM-6 PM

Panache awakens the Power of Possibility as you access a deep level of connection to Source and realign with your life purpose. With extended periods spent in Presence, you are catapulted through a process that anchors and deepens your ability to sustainably resonate at higher vibrations. These vibrations call in greater health and vitality, infinite abundance and deeply loving relationships. Learn day-to-day tools and practices to maintain and continue to increase your personal vibration.

Throughout this weekend, you receive energetic transmissions that are specifically tailored to your personal and evolving needs, while your potential to create the best life possible continues to expand.

While you are welcome to attend either Friday evening's program or the acceleration on Saturday, to receive the greatest benefit, Panache highly recommends that you join him for the entire weekend.

Open to a life of infinite possibilities and join us in Ashland.

Event Fee: Friday Evening: $33 Pre-registration / $44 At Door

                   Saturday: $199 Pre-registration / $225 At Door

                   Special Weekend Rate: $203

 To register, Click Here

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