The Oneness Meditation:
A Transmission of Divine Grace With OM Facilitators from the Bay Area Peter & Thayer Beach
Saturday, April 20th
Unitarian Universalist Church
4th and C St, Ashland
1:30pm • 3:00pm • 4:30pm
Following the last OM, the Awakened presenters will answer your questions about their Awakening.
We highly recommend attending all three. As Sri Bhagavan says the more you hang out in the fields of Oneness with Oneness Meditators the closer you are to Awakening and raising your frequency.
Magnify the Fields of Oneness with Your Presence
Last January 2012 there were 20,000 permanently Awakened people on this earth. Today, there are more than 600,000! This phenomenon is for humanity's Awakening, or, to take you to further levels on the Enlightenment scale. Join us!
You may register for all events at the same time. All Free.
For info call Shazna Jai 541-210-2892
The Oneness Meditation is offered free of charge as a gift for humanity.
A donation is appreciated to cover costs and no one will be turned away, ever. Proceeds go toward future events for this community, awakening in Ashland and sending deeksha givers to Oneness University for the deepening. Children over 12 are welcome.
Your participation of this tremendous shift of humanity is important. Your presence is powerful. Oneness is calling us! Enjoy this experience with your family and friends!