Namaste Oneness CommunityDue to lack of registration we are cancelling the full Oneness Day of Deepening and Initiation.INSTEAD, we are serving our community with the morning Webcast from India and Mukthi (enlightenment) deeksha. This webcast is for deeksha givers only. (Here is the most recent note from the guides in India about Mukthi Deeksha We are also moving fast. In the light of that, there is another development which I want to share with everyone. We all are used to take deeksha from Padukas and Srimurthy. While we do that, we touch the padukas or Srimurthy. Recently Bhagavan said that:"THE POWER HAS STEPPED UP. NOW WHILE RECEIVING DEEKSHA FROM PADUKAS OR SRIMURTHY, KEEP YOUR HANDS 1/2 INCH AWAY FROM THE PADUKAS OR SRIMURTHY. TAKING DEEKSHA BY TOUCH WILL BE LESS POWERFUL."This is applicable only while you take deeksha. During other times you may touch the Padukas or Srimurthy, like you may hug the Srimurthy, hold the padukas etc. This is being imparted during the courses in the University and is found to be very effective and powerful.)PLUS a very special live skype call with Doug Bentley from India. If you have any questions for Doug, please send them to Shazna Jai via email. This will be a private call just for our community, so your confusing questions can be asked directly to our guide for the US/Canada. As some of you may remember Doug visited Ashland last summer and was astoundingly well received! Join us for this live skype call.Saturday, Aug 13th at Jackson Wellspring Community Room:Arrive at 8am, (Deeksha Givers only, please arrive on time for this)Ananda Mandala49 Min Chant w/ dancing (if you like)Live WebcastRest10am Live Skype Call with Doug - FOR ALL ASHLANDIf you would like to arrive just for this, you may come promptly at 10am.We will be complete by 11:30am. Donations gratefully accepted.