A Transmission of Divine Grace
With 2 OM Facilitators from the Bay Area - Thayer & Peter Beach
This phenomenal event is Silent with Divine Grace Transmission given through the Eyes of the OM Facilitators
Saturday, Sept 8th, 2012
Unitarian Universalist Church
87 4th Street Ashland, OR 97520
Sept 8th, 2012
4:00pm • 5:45pm • 7:30pm
Help Us Reach 80% New People!
You may register for all events at the same time. You may attend all events. All Free.
• Pre-Registration Required•
For info call Shazna Jai 541-210-2892
The Oneness Meditation is offered free of charge as a gift for humanity.
A suggested donation of $10-20 would be appreciated to cover costs and no one will be turned away, ever. Proceeds go toward hard costs of each event and future events to serve the Ashland community and surrounding areas. Children over 12 are welcome.
Your participation of this tremendous shift of humanity is important. Oneness is calling us! Enjoy this experience with your family and friends!
Live Guest Musician: Angelika
Internationally renowned composer and recording artist, her inspiring, soothing, heart-opening angelic voice brings us gently into stillness and peace deep within. Several contemporary mystics and masters including Sri AmmaBhagavan of Oneness University gave Angelika a very special darshan for her music ministry. She is a Oneness Trainer for two years and has published 14 CDs. Her music is worldwide at oneness events, spiritual gatherings and ceremonies. Angelika will play music before and after the OM blessing.