Join movement-as-prayer leader and Nia Black Belt Rachael R. Resch for a morning exploring the new Nia routine, “Beyond.” This dynamic and beautiful routine was choreographed by Nia Faculty Ann Christiansen of Hamburg, Germany.
$30 / $20 by June 16
Listen to the awesome music of "Beyond" here.
Open to all students, this playshop offers a unique opportunity to learn Nia choreography in a fun and relaxed setting.
Learn to use gravity to develop coordination and grace, and play with different patterns of motion and speed. African rhythms, electronic music with soul and an atmosphere of unity decorate the landscape of this energizing routine.
Nia is a sensory-based movement practice designed to empower and heal people of all abilities by connecting to the indwelling spirit of the body. Every body welcome.
(541) 488-1192 • •