• Apr 16, 2013 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: Love Revolution
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

Powered by our desire for wholeness we seek partners and dynamics that mimic what is yet to be embraced. And we do this repeatedly until the past is laid to rest. However, traditional couple’s therapy is often stymied by hidden loyalties to our first place of belonging: our family lineage. How can multiple generations of ancestral patterning be seen? And how can lasting resolution be achieved and expressed in a successful relationship?

In a fusion of Spiritualist, Somatic and Whole Systems approaches the group will work directly with a relationship in need of support. Come with your questions and sense of wonder. Prepare to be deeply moved by this cutting edge experiential approach to healing.

Universal aspects of relationship we will explore include:

  • Knowing you belong
  • Embracing masculine and feminine polarity
  • Sexual bonding and its significance
  • Resolving multi-generational entanglements
  • Balancing giving and taking
  • Protecting vulnerability and desire
  • Fate in a couple relationship
  • Priorities of the couple and parenthood
  • Blending family systems
  • Attracting and maintaining relationship
  • Conscious separation
  • Creating a new system

This is an evening that is appropriate for anyone interested in any form of relationship. See here for a full description of the process.

Emily Waymire has studied and practiced traditional and spiritualist practices around the world for over 20 years. Her background in Fine Arts, Education, Art Therapy and Energy Medicine led to a private practice including community based therapies, somatic brief therapy approaches, hypnotherapy and Hellinger Family Constellations. Wether it is imprisoned sex offenders, homeless children, those labelled mentally ill, people living with illness, transgender people or simply parents, couples, individuals seeking greater peace…her focus is on connecting social context with personal meaning. Certified to facilitate Family Constellation Therapy, she trained with Bert Hellinger and his colleagues through The Hellinger Institute of California and The Working Group for Systemic Resolutions (International Bert Hellinger Institute, Germany). She currently facilitates Movements Of The Soul workshops in which she combines her experience with Satsang, Energy Medicine, Light Technologies, Masculine/Feminine Polarity, and the Ancestral Soul.

Feel free to email Emily at Info@MovementsOfTheSoul.org for a Family Constellation Questionnaire prior to attending. www.MovementsOfTheSoul.com

This class is open to people of all genders and sexual orientations.

When: Tuesday, April 16
Time: 7-9pm
Cost: $5-10 sliding scale. Register now or at the door.
Where: Love Revolution Classroom, 111 E. Main St. Ashland, OR 97520

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