Become the person you were BORN TO BE and begin to
LIVE IN JOY! It is my great honor to offer these evenings.
May we all grow in kindness.
An Evening of Healing and Channeling
Facilitated by Stephanie Lash
Every Monday
The Havurah
185 N. Mountain Ave.
Ashland, OR
Exchange: Love Offering
Join us for a beautiful evening filled with meditation, healing, truth and a transmission of LOVE from the Masters! The entire evening is channeled and will be very personal for those who come. Experience the stillness of mind and openness of heart that is the More Truth workshop. Bring your questions, receive your answers, release your fears, receive your healing. Become empowered; realize your dreams.
Through these workshops, you will enter a powerful healing vortex that will support you and help you release what you no longer need to carry. Through spiritual teachings, channeled meditations and inspirational music, you will enjoy powerful personal journeys while challenging old belief systems that may have kept you stuck in limiting and unhealthy patterns.
If you are looking for a change for the better, or just want an extra boost on your spiritual journey, please join us. Awaken your creativity to be who you really are, while holding a space of love for yourself and others like never before.
You won't be surprised by what you experience in these evenings, you will be TRANSFORMED!
These evenings are based on the work of Master Healer and Spiritual Teacher Derek O'Neill. For more information, please go to my website at or Derek's website at
If this information resonates with your soul and you want to do more for yourself and for all of our planet, please join us. For as we heal so does all of humanity.
"My skeptical mind is regularly surprised by how palpable the energy is in the room on Monday nights. I know something very deep and very real is happening. I don't know what, and I don't feel like I have to know ~ It is not on the level of my mind and I am very grateful for that."
"Monday nights are wonderful! It's amazing that I see so much, feel so much, and sense so much because I've never done anything like this before."
"I am so honored and feel so blessed you are offering these classes; they are unlike any other being offered on the planet right now. The space held by the Masters seems to go through all dimensions directly to source, and yet be incredibly grounded and emotionally integrated in Now Time. Thank you so much."
"My life will never be the same."
"The work that we're doing in your classes is just so incredibly powerful. Thank you so much. I love you so much."
"Derek's presence is always so vivid in your classes, it's like he just walks right through the veil to be with us, what a blessing. Your class helped me release so much pent up stuff that I didn't even realize was there, I feel like I took this huge baggage off of my back, thank you thank you thank you!"
"I am still amazed by the magnificence of the evening yesterday. With love and deep appreciation to you, Derek and the "Lads."