Awaken resilience, joy and renewal in these changing and challenging times. Find enduring support through The Universal Sacred Wheel, and help for navigating Life Passages, loss or transition, and for leading a more deeply fulfilling life. Deepen your unique connections with Spirit, Soul, and Nature. We weave guided teachings, sound, writing, inner journeys, shamanic work, solo questing, movement, ceremony, meditations, and supportive sharing to create a rich fabric of soul-satisfying experience.
Day time Spring/Summer workshop in Phoenix OR., with lovely inside and outside meeting space. Begins Thursday May 12 Noon-3. 9 3-hour meetings in all. Fall Workshop held in a beautiful Retreat Sanctuary on the Greensprings. Saturdays Sept. 10, 24, October 8 & 22. In the Heart of Nature come home to your own Deeper Nature.
6-9 p.m., beginning Thursday May 12, so those who work days can attend. Call for more information 541-588-5795. "I look forward to welcoming you and to sharing this empowering journey with you, and to the sense of community we will
will experience in the process!" -- Nancy Bloom