Should you or shouldn’t you pursue a green certification for your building?
Heather McNeill will introduce the common categories of green design that different certification programs use, and the costs and benefits of certifying a project.
Heather McNeill, owner of Greener By Design, is a green building professional with 20 years experience in the construction industry including residential and commercial projects. She became one of Oregon’s first Sustainable Building Advisors in 2004, a LEED AP in 2009. Her work has focused on greening of mainstream construction including residential and commercial projects.
Working with architect, engineers, contractors and owners, she provides integrated design process to maximize the sustainability of the project to meet the owner’s goals including certification of the projects.
We will love to see you there and please bring a friend! Our gatherings are generously sponsored by 2Hawk Winery, the Medford Food Co-op and Anne Eldridge of Our Local Bounty, providing delicious local wine and local, organic appetizers for your enjoyment. Thank you Rick, Emile and Anne! ~
Medford Green Drinks fosters connections, raises awareness and catalyzes the movement toward a more vibrant and sustainable Southern Oregon. It is a dynamic forum for those looking for information and connections related to environmental and sustainability issues. Networking is enhanced through the promotion of local innovators, businesses and champions of sustainability. Keeping business local is a primary message of our organization.
Serving as a lively venue for both networking and education, each Green Drinks event features a presentation meant to provide information and to spur further discussion. Topics span the range of triple-bottom-line sustainability with an attempt made to explore new angles and often overlooked themes. Presentations typically last for 20 minutes followed by lively discussion and questions from the gathering. Additional time is provided to encourage connections, the exchange of ideas and goals, and have some fun!
Medford Green Drinks is part of International Green Drinks, a popular movement that is gathering and networking people around sustainability all over the world.
Come enjoy timely and innovative topics, network with sustainably-oriented folks from around the valley. Relax and enjoy great company at 2Hawk Winery, a very special setting for our gatherings.