The Matrix Experience
An Introduction to the Matrix Leadership Model

March 31– April 2, 2011

Thur 6 – 9 pm; Fri 2 – 8 pm; Sat 10 – 7 pm   

Ashland Residence

With Amina Knowlan, M.S. and Gregory Gaiser

The Matrix Model…

  • Completely redefines leadership and group dynamics from hierarchical systems to relationally based living systems. Creates highly inclusive, loving networks capable of utilizing differences as a path to fulfilling collaboration & collective emergence.
  • Is a Guide to Waking Up! Re-Source in Connection:

Transform Your Self, Your Relationships, Families, Workplaces and Communities.

Dream Your Self Awake; Realize Interconnection       

 Become Social Artists and Social Architects.

Create a Sustainable Future on Earth!


This Experiential Workshop is Designed for:

. Group members, facilitators, managers or leaders

in personal, family, community, business or professional groups

. Individuals who want to learn more about yourself, your leadership style and your connections with others

. Leaders & citizens becoming social artists: changing the world one relationship, organization and community at a time

Cost:          $265 ; $75 deposit required with registration

Partial tuition assistance available.

$20/off, when signing up with another.

Free Previews Mar 9, 23, 30...... 7-9 PM

at Peace House, 543 S Mountain, Ashland

   RSVP to:      

"This training is having a tremendous impact in my life through the way I relate to myself, my deepened connections with family, friends & colleagues, and the way I participate in groups. There is something so mystical, powerful and practical about the Matrix model - combined with an amazing experiential workshop to practice these tools immediately - that I believe this body of work has the ability to help hospice the old world view of separation and competition, and help midwife a new world view of inclusion and interconnectedness." - Ling Thio, former Chief Architect


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