• Nov 1, 2011 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: Hidden Springs Wellness Center
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022


Modern physicists and shamans agree that, even though we perceive ourselves and our world as solid, we are truly only light and consciousness. If this is indeed the case, then maybe our life experience can transform much more easily than we had ever imagined. Maybe the All-consciousness which breathes thru everything is eternally anticipating your invitation to breathe more deeply, playfully and powerfully through you. Maybe that All-loving, All-powerful, All-wise unified consciousness which created and creates the entire universe could move through your being in a different way than it ever has - deeply harmonizing the way the light moves through you. Maybe that consciousness would just love to create lots of amazingly wonderful experiences for you in all areas of your life.....wild things that you couldn’t even imagine! Maybe miracles could happen for you on a regular basis!

In this vessel, we drop into playful heartspace together to explore experientially these concepts. We invite the Divine Consciousness to shift our old, destructive patterns to something different. We create a field of intention to ongoingly nurture our pure wish to be immersed in the awareness of Unity & Infinite Potential.

 When I sat in the middle, several Matrix Practitioners did a gentle “two-point” on me, based on a deep yearning of mine. At that point things became bizarre: I hissed, moaned, groaned, moved and vibrated for several minutes followed by vibrating from head to toe for about an hour.  It was the most incredible experience of my life and I said to myself, "Whatever this Matrix Energetics is, I have to know more about it!" Since then I’ve had an increase in finances, psychic abilities have opened up wide, my heart is more open, difficult relationships have straightened out, healings have taken place and I’m having more fun every day. Love yourself and attend one of Jerem’s playshops!   Cyndi Barger, Etna, CA

A team of Matrix  Energetics  practitioners  will be present to provide  individual Matrix Energetics  experiences for each participant.

Jerem Egan is a Matrix Energetics Certified  Practitioner/Study Group Leader and has a practice  with offices in Medford and Ashland.   Info:www.TapYourDivineSelf.com

When: Tuesday November 1st, 2011, 7pm - 9pm

Where: Hidden Springs Wellness Center, 1651 Siskiyou Blvd, Ashland, OR 97520

Appreciation (cost): $30.     Cash, check, Visa/MC credit cards         

Reservations: Please call Jerem @ 541 292-3427 

Please note that this playshop is experiential and not instructional.  To learn Matrix Energetics, please attend a seminar w/Dr Bartlett.  Info: www.matrixenergetics.com
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