Extreme Makeover Home Edition Comes to Oregon - Builds a Net-Zero Energy Home for a Family in the Rogue Valley!
- Sep 7, 2011 to Sep 14, 2011
- Location: RSVP for Location
- Description:
Solar Panels & Volunteers Needed!
Extreme Makeover Home Edition will be building a net zero-Energy home for a family in the Rogue Valley September 7th - Sept. 14th.
The Oregon Green Expo has been asked to locate donated SOLAR PANELS for the house. - Created by: Liberty Source Center
- Tags: construction, design
Saturday, September 10, 2011 (14)
One the Event - 911 - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON
- Sep 9, 2011 to Sep 11, 2011
- Location: Memorial Stadium - Seattle Center
- Description: Inspired by the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and the passion of Seattle Fire Fighter Erik Lawyer, we invite you to participate in ONE: The Event. With more than 3 million people around the world, we will make a collective shift by choosing love over fear
- Created by: Liberty Source Center
- Tags: festivals
Russell Delman Seminar: Embodying Peace, Uncovering Freedom
- Sep 10, 2011 to Sep 11, 2011
- Location: Windsor Inn Conference Center
- Description:
In this seminar , we will explore Feldenkrais movements lessons, guided meditations and unique processes called "Guided Inquiries" to help uncover the peace and freedom that is implicit when we are not lost in confusion. The practices are both prof
- Created by: Sharry Teague
- Tags: experiential, seminar
Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center Rafting Fundraiser
- Sep 10, 2011 all day
- Location: Klamath River "Tree of Heaven" Campground
- Description:
About 30 minutes from Ashland, river rafting, nature appreciation, and organic desserts will delectably combine for the “Fifth Annual Day on the River ~ a Sweet Extravaganza”, a “fun-raising” event planned by the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Cent
- Created by: Shantam Sheptow
- Tags: fundraiser
Aliveness: A Course for Advanced Studies in Consciousness with Jeb Barton - SATURDAY & SUNDAY
- Sep 10, 2011 to Sep 11, 2011
- Location: Hidden Springs Wellness Center
- Description:
Two desired outcomes form the basis of this workshop: a vibrant, exuberant experience of Aliveness and a significantly greater sense of personal Empowerment.
Aliveness is the feeling of a deep, authentic inner vitality which we experience as joy, ex - Created by: Liberty Source Center
- Tags: workshop
Fun-d Raising Yard Sale, 7am-1pm
- Sep 10, 2011 from 7:00am to 1:00pm UTC-07
- Location: 2090 Creek Dr. Off Lower Clay and E. Main
- Description:
Season’s End Multiple Family
Saturday, September 10, 2011
2090 Creek Drive, Ashland, off lower Clay and E, Main7am – 1pm
Come on out and join the FUN!
Good stuff, Good People, Good Cause
Oneness in Ashland FUNdraiser
We are rai
- Created by: Oneness In Ashland
- Tags: fundraiser, yard, sale
Family & Friends CPR
- Sep 10, 2011 from 9:00am to 11:00am UTC-07
- Location: Ashland Community Center
- Description:
The Family & Friends CPR course offers basic CPR training in a dynamic group environment. Perfect for middle and high school students and others who seek CPR instruction without a certification card.
Cost: $5.00
- Created by: Ashland CERT
- Tags: education
Native Aromatherapy - Level I
- Sep 10, 2011 from 10:00am to 6:00pm UTC-07
- Location: RSVP for Directions (Near Silverton, Oregon)
- Description:
THE HERB SHED presents
NATIVE AROMATHERAPYCome and learn the basic foundation of how aromatherapy works - why essential oils are effective, pure and safe to incorporate into your daily lifestyle and /or business.
Professionals earn 16 Continuing Educ
- Created by: Native Forest Remedies
- Tags: class
How to Be an Authentic and Effective Speaker Using Your Natural Assets
- Sep 10, 2011 from 10:00am to 6:00pm UTC-07
- Location: Guanajuato Room, Ashland Public Library
- Description:
You will receive value from this day-long workshop!
- Get in touch with the assets and natural talents that you already have, and learn how to use them more effectively in your presentations.
- Master your fear of speaking to an audience.
- Be more real and a
- Created by: Datta Groover
- Tags: speaking, workshop
Reiki III Class
- Sep 10, 2011 from 10:00am to 4:00pm UTC-07
- Location: West Griffin Creek, Medford, Oregon
- Description:
The Master Class where your relationship with Reiki goes even deeper, " Miracles" can happen at this level.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
10:00 - 4:00 Offered for $125.00
Call Rev. Jill Fox 541-261-4204 or e-mail us!
- Created by: Jill Fox
- Tags: reiki, iii, class
Ray Rhamey at Southern Oregon Willamette Writers
- Sep 10, 2011 from 10:00am to 12:00pm UTC-07
- Location: Central Point City Hall Council Chambers
- Description: Southern Oregon Willamette Writers Monthly Meeting
Morning Session: (Free to members-$5.00 for visitors) 10:00-12:00 (networking at 9:30)
Navigating the Maze of Self-publishing with Ray Rhamey
Go on a journey through self-publishing. Ray Rhamey covers h - Created by: Alissa Lukara
- Tags: writing, presentation, &, workshop
Arkayik Revival with Alcyon Massive
- Sep 10, 2011 from 4:00pm to 10:00pm UTC-07
- Location: Rogue Bowl
- Description: 4:00 PM - The Massive Family Picnic
6:30 PM - Arkayik Revival featuring Alcyon Massive & the Bound for Glory Band with special guest appearances by Skip Wicked of Indubious Cornflower, The Fret Drifters, Marko, Ras Cricket, Mista Chief and Michelle Be - Created by: Paul West
- Tags: concert
KS Wild Annual Dinner & Auction
- Sep 10, 2011 from 5:00pm to 10:00pm UTC-07
- Location: Ashland Historic Armory
- Description:
Con-flu-ence (n): a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point
Every year, the KS Wild community joins together to raise glasses and forks in celebration of our diverse region and KS Wild’s work to protect it. Our Annual Dinner & A
- Created by: KS Wild
- Tags: benefit: annual dinner & auction
Parent Baby Massage Class - SATURDAYS
- Sep 10, 2011 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm UTC-07
- Location: Family Massage Education Center
- Description: Learn to massage your baby to reduce crying, ease constipation and colic, deepen and lengthen sleep time, increase bonding and trust, and much more! The parent will learn to understand baby’s cues and reflexes. Baby will learn about their bodies and
- Created by: JoAnn Lewis
- Tags: parenting, massage, class