Denise Kester Art Opening
- Aug 4, 2011 at 5:00pm to Aug 31, 2011 at 8:00pm UTC-07
- Location: Hanson Howard Gallery
- Description:
An Exhibit of new work by Ashland Artist Denise Kester will be on display at the Hanson Howard Gallery. This body of work spans the past two years. She will have monoprints, monotypes, mixed media and encaustics. Birds and Animals are a major theme
- Created by: Denise Kester
- Tags: gallery, opening, art, show
Monday, August 22, 2011 (6)
“The Oldest Living Graduate”
- Aug 21, 2011 at 8:00pm to Aug 23, 2011 at 10:00pm UTC-07
- Location: Camelot Theatre
- Description:
Camelot’s production of “The Oldest Living Graduate” stars the Rogue Valley’s ‘oldest living working actor,’ 96-year-old Grant Shepard. A former professor of English and Theater Arts, since retiring Shepard has been directing and acting in community
- Created by: Dennis Nicomede
- Tags: play, reading
Smart Marketing for Small Business
- Aug 22, 2011 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm UTC-07
- Location: Ashland Public Library
- Description:
A visionary marketing class to remind you that your business comes from your passion and heart and goes out to those you most want to serve. We will discuss relationship marketing, simple but profound principles and how your purpose and niche will di
- Created by: Diana Hartley
- Tags: marketing, class
Entrepreneurs & Community Minded People Wanted
- Aug 22, 2011 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm UTC-07
- Location: Ashland Branch Library - Guanajuato Room
- Description:
Looking for entrepreneurial and community minded people to participate in founding a health and education business in Ashland. Currently looking for a storefront on Main St. downtown.
Service-motivated, conscious company with a proven track record for
- Created by: Suzanne Hentrich
- Tags: informational, meeting
Heart of the Medicine Wheel
- Aug 22, 2011 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm UTC-07
- Location: Goddess Temple of Ashland
- Description:
Heart of the Medicine Wheel
Through Song, Chant and Teachings
A Healing and Empowering Evening Women
w/Nancy Bloom.This is a free introduction to Nancy’s Spirit Journey Medicine Wheel Workshop Retreat Series in September & October. The Medicine Whee
- Created by: Hearthfiretender
- Tags: spiritual, goddess temple, women, medicine wheel
Alexa Sunshine Rose in Concert - MT SHASTA
- Aug 22, 2011 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm UTC-07
- Location: The Jackson Welsprings & The Goddess Temple of Mt. Shasta
- Description:
Greetings Friends and Family!
We invite you to join us for two concerts of devotional, meditative music by Alexa Sunshine Rose!***Friday, Aug. 19th at the Peace Village Fest., Jackson Wellsprings. 2:45-3:45, visit for mor
- Created by: Alexa Sunshine Rose
- Tags: concert