Do you yearn to have your own website, but have fumble fingers when it comes to knowing where to start?
If you have your own website already, do you want to learn yourself how to make spontaneous changes to keep things current and interesting for your people who visit?
If you are anything like me, these two things drove me crazy running my own business for over 25 years and being at the mercy of a webmaster who did not see my vision or could make the changes i needed in a timely manner.
On Saturday May 21st, 9am-12pm, I will start teaching a four week class that will teach you how to 'start to finish' your website and keep it glowing and growing!
The first week we will cover the basics:
- finding the right template
- using a service that is free until you have it down right
- how to put your vision on paper, expressing yourself and your niche
- writing your copy
- how to place your copy into a new page and what to call the page to get attention
Then every week after we will cover more topics until you have a fully functioning website filled with exciting multi media and bring you success! I am not an expert, people just keep commenting on my website and asking me to teach them how to do their own, so it seemed this would be a great way for me to serve the community.
This class will be given on a MAC but translates to PC. I will be using <> as it is a free website and has all the bells and whistles for amateurs to learn and to have a fun website that is easy to change and create on. You may of course, choose a different service, this is the teaching tool that i will use.
Saturdays, May 28, June 4, 11 and 18, 9am-12pm.
Each class is sliding scale $35-50 and if you pay for the series in advance you will can discount $25 off your registration
Click here to enroll:
Contact Shazna Jai to register 541-210-2892 or go to the link