• Apr 8, 2011 from 8:00pm to 10:30pm
  • Location: Unitarian Fellowship
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

St. Clair Productions presents the 8-womanvocal ensemble Kitka singing music from Eastern Europe on Friday, April 8, 8p.m., at the Unitarian Fellowship, 87 4th St., Ashland. Tickets are$20 in advance, $22 at the door, $10 for teens 12-17 and free under 12.  Tickets are available at the Music Coopin downtown Ashland, on-line at www.stclairevents.com or bycalling 541-535-3562.


            TheRogue World Ensemble opens the show.


            Kitkais dedicated to developing new audiences for music rooted in Balkan, Slavic,and Caucasian women's vocal traditions and expanding the boundaries of folksong as a living and evolving expressive art form.


            Kitkahas traveld to Eastern Europe to perform and collect repertoire many times. In2002, Kitka joined Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares as "international guestsof honor"; for this world-renowned choir's 50th Anniversary Gala at theNational Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria. In 2005 and 2009, supported by amajor grants from the Trust for Mutual Understanding, Kitka journeyed to Ukraineand Poland for a series of performances, international artist-exchangemeetings, radio and television broadcasts, and research expeditions in ruralvillages. In the fall of 2010 Kitka was featured performers at theInternational Symposium on Traditional Polyphony in Tbilisi, Georgia.


            Kitka'sunique sound and innovative sense of programming has led to dozens of otherfruitful collaborations, ranging from a reconstruction of the medieval CarminaBurana pageant for CalPerformances to work with Hollywood composers andindependent film-makers on motion picture soundtracks including Braveheart, Jacob's Ladder, and Queen of the Damned.


            Kitka has released 11 recordings, most recently Cradle Songs (2009). Cradle Songs was named "One of the Top Ten CDs of 2009"by NPR, and one of the "Most Memorable Internationally-Flavored CDs of2009" by the Los Angeles Times.



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