"I should no longer define myself as the son of a father who couldn't or hasn't or wouldn't or wasn't." ~ Cameron Conaway http://myemail.constantcontact.com/June-Constellation-Event-in-the-Spirit-of-Father-s-Day.html?soid=1111495437321&aid=RCgqnoD1b7g In the Spirit of Father's Day Is there a possible ancestral separation/trauma that stands behind your Father, keeping you from being able to connect more deeply with him inside of your heart? Whether you may be seeking to heal a feeling of separation, experience more of your own individual space, gain more understanding of the relationship, access more support in being a parent yourself or to simply celebrate Life and the love of Father... Join us on Sunday, June the 23rd for a Hellinger Family Constellation Workshop in the spirit of Father's Day (Additional Constellation focuses available to be worked with as well). Hellinger Family Constellation Workshop Sunday, June 23rd, 10-6pm, Talent, OR Cost- $140 Bring a friend or family member and receive a $15 discount. Credit card payments available, payment plans may be available, pre-registration is required, on site accomodations are available for those attending from out of town. Contact- Felice Laurel 541-261-7992, 415-937-SOUL sourceconstellations@gmail.com |