Members of the Kathy Kallick Band, hot bluegrass and cooloriginals, offer a workshop entitled : "Jam With The Band" onSaturday, April 30, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at the Unitarian Fellowship, 87 4thSt., Ashland. Cost is $25. Register at or 541-535-3562.
Bringyour instruments and play with Kathy Kallick and her band members. The workshopwill start off with three pieces of music for everyone to learn before hand:“Dark Hollow,” I’ll Fly Away,” and a swing tune “Panhandle Rag.” Then in the workshop setting, membersof the band will use these pieces to teach band rhythm, song/tune arranging,the role of each instrument in a bluegrass ensemble, different vocal harmonystacks, and presenting a dynamic set of music.
Alllevels of playing welcome. Bring your mandolins, guitars, fiddles, dobros,banjos, basses and any other instrument that would work in a bluegrass setting.
Producedby St. Clair Productions, the Kathy Kallick Band performs in concert on Friday,April 29, 8 p.m., at the Unitarian Fellowship, 87 4th St., Ashland. Ticketsare $18 in advance, $20 at the door, $10 for teens 12-17 and free under12. Tickets are available at theMusic Coop in downtown Ashland, on-line at or by calling 541-535-3562.