“IT’S ONLY A PLAY” a comedy by Terrence McNally opens at AshlandContemporary Theatre, located at The Bellview Grange, 1050 Tolman Creek Road, Ashland, Thurs., Nov. 17, Fri., Nov. 18,Sat., Nov. 19, Sun. Nov., 20, (matinee) Mon., Nov. 21 (pay what you can night), Fri., Nov. 25, Sat., Nov. 26, Sun., Nov. 27 (not a matinee), Mon., Nov. 28, Fri. Dec. 2, Sat., Dec. 3, Sun, Dec. 4 (matinee), Mon. Dec. 5, 2011. Shows start at 8 PM except two matinees (Nov. 20 & Dec. 4 at 2 PM)
Admission prices: $15 Regular admission, $12 Seniors, $8 students, and can be purchased at Paddington Station in Ashland, Grocery Outlet in Medford, on line at www.ashlandcontemporarytheatre.org, ordered at ACT reservation line 541-646-2971 or purchased at the theatre just before the performance.
Doors open at 7:30 PM and 1:30 PM.