• Jun 26, 2011 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
  • Location: Ashland/Talent
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022
Ann Marie is an international group facilitator and spiritual teacher with 20 years of experience.  Her passion is creating a "safe space" for those who choose to move through old patterns into a new sense of connection to the heart and each other.  She works in seperate groups with men and women, allowing a deep bonding with the same sex.  Finally men and women come together with a new understanding of themselves in a Women's/Men's group, with a better foundation to bond with the opposite sex.  This work is deeply moving and amazingly transformational.  Ann Marie is the best facilitator of self-healing that I have ever known and I highly respect her work in the world.  She will be here through Monday for private and group sessions.
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  • My daughter and I are moving to Ashland next week! Sorry to miss your event, but looking forward to future ones :)
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