• Sep 28, 2011 from 7:30pm to 10:00pm UTC-07
  • Location: Hidden Springs
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

Join Scott Miller and Renee Jeffus for a very intimate evening of sound healing exploration. Scott is a renowned musician, artist, producer and pioneer in sound healing. He has developed an experiential interactive sound therapy that facilitates the healing of our mind, body and spirit. 
With the intention of love and compassion, Scott opens the
doorway into the multidimensional dreamtime, an altered state of time and space, produce a state of awakened dreaming. 
Scott will be incorporating ambient self produced healing music accompanied with live instruments which include the didjeridoo, drums, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, shakers,
rattles, jaw harps and Tuvan throat singing, He also
includes crystal grid work, chi gung, aromatherapy, Matrix Energetics and guided breath work. 
Renee is a Shamanic Priestess and will be holding the Divine Feminine energy for the group as well as assisting with energetic and shamanic work.

Individual sessions are also available and extremely powerful!

There is a limit to eight participants so pre-registration is helpful. Please let us know if you are going to make it so we can be prepared and no one gets turned away at the door.

Cost is $33 per person. 

Please bring something soft to lay on, a blanket or pillow for cozyness as well as a water bottle.

Guided Jouney on Wed. Sep. 28th from 7:30- 10 pm

Contact Scott Miller: 541-301-3852 
didjmedicine@gmail.com or Renee Jeffus 347-405-2477

Hope you are able to join us for this magical journey!


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