Exploring Women’s Themes through Film
A Tele-Class
Join facilitators Denise Ross and Marla Estes for this 6-week pilot program. Each week participants will watch a specific film at home. Then through a Wisdom conference line, we will discuss the film and explore the transformative aspects the film generates for us. Themes to be covered include women’s inner strength, our roles in society, and other topics of self-empowerment. Don’t miss this opportunity to shift your perspective and explore change!
Dates: Thursday evening conference calls beginning October 6, 2011
Conference call times: 5-6 pm pacific/8-9 pm eastern
Cost: $25 (as this is a pilot program, we are only charging a nominal fee)
To register: email Denise at Denise@WisdomCallsOne.com or go directly to www.WisdomCallsOne.com and click on the donate button!
Denise Ross facilitates weekly conference calls for women’s empowerment. Her site www.WisdomCallsOne.com is committed to connecting women all over the world and providing an avenue for women to share their work and to honor our collective wisdom.
Marla Estes, M.A. is a writer, mentor, teacher and workshop facilitator, often using film as a portal to self-understanding. She also writes a movie blog at www.blogs.PsychCentral.com/movies. Her website is www.MarlaEstes.com