• May 12, 2011 from 7:30pm to 10:00pm UTC-07
  • Location: Hidden Springs
  • Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2022

Come and Join Renee Jeffus this Thursday, May 12th for an explorative evening of Tantric Dance open to both men and women. 

This class is a magical journey into the power, beauty, and depth of Tantric Dance, a profoundly transformative movement meditation and prayer practice that assists one in cultivating a deeper, more joyful embodiment of life and love.
This is a direct path of accessing within our own Beings and Holy Body Temples the Shakti Wisdom inherent in us all, both men and women.

Classes are usually offered for women only as it is a profoundly potent practice in diving deep into one's Divine Feminine self. 
I have been sharing this work around the country for 9 years after my in depth personal journey into Tantric Dance with my Beloved teacher Loraia Ward. I feel so deeply called to share this profound path with those who hear the call and about 2 years ago I began to share this practice with men as well. I feel men benefit greatly in their own awakening from experiencing this practice themselves and from the rare opportunity to witness women in their full embodied power and beauty.

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I am offering this special evening here in Ashland. My intention is to continue offering this mixed group class once a month.

Class size is limited so please RSVP. For questions and to RSVP call Renee at 347-405-2477 or email danceshaktidance@gmail.com

Cost is $20

Hidden Springs
May 12th
7:30-10 pm

Renee Jeffus, Shamanic Priestess and Devoted Revolutionary, is deeply committed to the Awakening of Love, Joy and Conscious Community thru the power of dance, presence, music, ritual, and heart connecting. Renee is a teacher of Tantric Dance and leader of Authentic Embodiment Playshops, Sacred Sexuality Circles and Community Gatherings. It is her deepest Joy to assist others in their full blossoming and Self-Realization

Renee Jeffus
Shamanic Priestess
Tantric Dance
Authentic Embodiment
Tantra Educator


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