emma’s revolution, the duo of Pat Humphries andSandy O, will give a workshop entitled Intuitive Songwriting, on Sunday, March 20, 3-5 p.m., at the UnitarianFellowship, 87 4th St., Ashland. Cost is $25. Register on-line at www.stclairevents.com or call541-535-3562.
Exploreyour inner lyrics and melodies through warm-up and creativity exercises thatwill help you to be open to your songs. We guarantee you'll surprise yourself!
"Nobodyteaches songwriting better than Sandy O and Pat Humphries. They kick start thebeginner, challenge the veteran, and inspire personal expression. I'm prettysure they could squeeze a good song out of a grapefruit." award-winning,Canadian performer Debbie Carrol
emma’srevolution’s song “Peace, Salaam, Shalom” is sung around the world and has beencalled the anthem of the anti-war movement. Their song “If I Give Your Name” won the John LennonSongwriting Contest. PatHumphries’ song “People Love” is included in middle and high school curriculumsand used by organizations such as the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship andPFLAG.
Producedby St. Clair Productions, emma’s revolution performs in concert on Saturday,March 19, 8 p.m., at the Unitarian Fellowship, 87 4th St., Ashland. Ticketsare available at the Music Coop in downtown Ashland, on-line at www.stclairevents.com or bycalling 541-535-3562.