St. Clair Productions presents emma’srevolution, the duo of Pat Humphries and Sandy O, in concert on Saturday, March19, 8 p.m., to the Unitarian Fellowship, 87 4th St., Ashland. Tickets are $18 in advance, $20 at thedoor, $10 for teens 12-17 and free under 12. Tickets are available at the Music Coop in downtown Ashland,on-line at or bycalling 541-535-3562.
TheRogue Valley Peace Choir Ensemble will open the show.
Dancingon the edge of folk and pop there's a revolution: emma's revolution."Bold, profound, moving, hilarious and transformative." The sound ofpassion in "deftly-turned phrases," songs imbued with hope, warmthand the "power and drive" to turn tears into laughter, cynicism intoaction.
emma'srevolution writes songs that become traditions. "Peace, Salaam,Shalom" is sung around the world and has been called the anthem of theanti-war movement. "If I Give Your Name" won Grand Prize in the JohnLennon Songwriting Contest and the band's music has been featured on NPR's"All Things Considered" and Pacifica's "Democracy Now!"emma's revolution is also a contributor to Grammy nominated "SingingThrough the Hard Times – a tribute to Utah Phillips" and "Seeds: TheSongs of Pete Seeger".
emma'srevolution was nominated for Out Song and Out Musician of the Year for theirsong "This Love", a powerfully intimate testimonial about GLBTmarriage. Pat's song "People Love" is included in middle and highschool curriculums, used by organizations such as the Unitarian UniversalistChurch and PFLAG, and performed by lesbian/LGBT choirs in the US and abroad.
emma’srevolution gives an intuitive songwriting workshop on Sunday, March 20, 3-5p.m., at the Unitarian Fellowship, 87 4th St., Ashland. Cost is $25. Register on-line at or call541-535-3562.