“Create Your Newsletter” Workshop December 2to Attract Readers and Increase SalesIn just one session, learn to create newsletters that build community, attract viewers, and improve sales. Discover how to write and design newsletters that bring these benefits home. Learn how to increase the value of your website by adding a newsletter. Discover how newsletters build Search Engine Ranking and increase the hits from Google. As a marketing tool, they offer the opportunity to connect again – and readers ask for the opportunity!Newsletters work in print and on the internet, to:· Bring viewers back to you· Build community and credibility· Present opportunities for the five ways to make money from the internetIn this workshop you will learn:· The content that readers want.· Where to put your images· How use calls to action to get readers where you want them to go· Design strategies that keep readers from leaving the page.Robert Gluckson, M.A., of Good Cause Marketing, brings years of editing experience and draws from his college teaching years to quickly and professionally train you to create a newsletter yourself! The class meets Tuesday evening from 6 to 8:30, December 2, at 258 A Street, Suite 6B, Ashland, across from the Hardware store, upstairs above the Metaphysical Library and Free Media Exchange. Cost is $35 and includes a 20 page handbook. Call Robert at 890-4621 to register or email allofus@goodcausemarketing.com