Hands-on Cob Oven Building Workshop with Yuval Zonnenschein and Noam Zimin
Thursday, July 26, 8:30 - 12:30 PM, Friday, July 27 12:30 - 3:30 PM and Sunday, July 29 from 8:30 AM till 12:30 PM
Yuval Zonnenschien and Noam Zimin are offering an opportunity to learn how to build a cob oven in a workshop that will take place at the Havurah. Yuval headed up the project of building the first oven at the Havurah and since then has traveled to New Zealand where he built three more ovens. Noam helped lead a cob oven workshop in Taos.
Participants will learn the skills and techniques necessary to build their own ovens. There is limited space available. Fee: $40.
If you would like to ask questions about the workshop or wish to register please contact Yuval at Yzonnenschein41@gmail.com.