Becoming Your Own Priestess or Priest:

Affinities, Attractors and the Expression of Your Promise


“Soon there will be no more priests. Their time is done. A new order shall arise, and they shall be the priests of man, and every man shall be his own priest.”  - Walt Whitman


What informs the movement in your life?

Ignorance or enlightenment?

That which takes or that which gives?

Is your life one of sacrifice or is it an offering of the poetic beauty that you are? 


Whether you remain a pawn to your culturally shaped personality or revel as Wisdom’s Consort-one thing is for certain: When your life is over it will have been a whole life. Whether you have experienced your unfolding grandeur, felt beloved, given your gift, or added to the Mystery is another matter.


Like it or not, irrespective of your circumstance, the choice is yours and yours alone.


Come. Fall into the Mystery’s fields of this mid-August gathering. 


For more Information Please call

(541) 482-1974

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