We're celebrating the first 120+ members of the Ashland Resource Center. We're gathering at our offices for a get-acquainted get-together.
I took the liberty of featuring 24 of the best designs for profile pages so far.
We'll be offering food, drinks and music for your enjoyment and the best of friends. We'll have a brief class on how to best use your "MyPage" to share events, projects, information and media with the rest of the community.
More and more people in our expanded community are beginning to understand the purpose and vision of this and other emerging resource centers around the world. This is a new and powerful form of community-building, virtual and face-to-face.
Every one of us is a "resource center" with much to share with each other. Make new friends, author blogs, create projects, upload photos/videos, post music/events, and join networking groups.
If you're already a member become web saavy by designing a graphically pleasing "MyPage"to connect with your website and blog.
Double Blessings